Features ======== * HA cluster setup passes all CNCF conformance tests (Kubernetes `1.10 `_, `1.11 `_, `1.12 `_, `1.13 `_, `1.14 `_, `1.15 `_, `1.16 `_, `1.17 `_, `1.18 `_, `1.19 `_, `1.20 `_, `1.21 `_, `1.22 `_ , `1.23 `_ , `1.24 `_ , `1.25 `_ , `1.26 `_ & `1.27 `_) * Container Management: `Containerd `_ * Networking: `Calico `_ * Ingress: `NGINX Ingress `_ and `cert-manager `_ for `Let's Encrypt `_ * Storage: `Ceph/RBD `_ * Metrics: `metering-metrics `_ and `Heapster `_ * Monitoring: `Prometheus `_ and `Grafana `_ * Logging: `Fluent-Bit `_, `Elasticsearch `_, `Kibana `_ and `Cerebro `_ * Backups: `Velero `_, `Restic `_ and `Minio `_ * Cluster Load Balancing: `MetalLB `_ * Controller Load Balancing: `gobetween `_ * Package Manager: `Helm `_ * Dashboard: `Kubernetes Dashboard `_ * The communication between the components is encrypted * RBAC is enabled * The controllers and the workers have Floating/Virtual IPs * Integrated Load Balancer for the API Servers * Support for deployment to a HA cluster using ssh * Only the changed files are deployed * No `Docker `_ installation required * No cloud provider required * Single binary without any dependencies * Runs locally * Nodes management from the command line * Downloads all the used binaries (kubernetes, calico, ceph...) from the Internet * Pull Images, Convert them to OCI and import them on the cluster for offline installations * Uses systemd to install itself as a service on the remote machine * Installs `WordPress `_ and `MySQL `_ to test drive the installation